For Added Success
"Use your resources"
Within your group you have amazing talents and energy. Outside of your group, there are many people wanting to do something to make their world a better place. In the anarchy of Trump, you have a golden opportunity to harness the dissatisfaction. Take advantage of this energy, marshal it, give it purpose, and use your resources.
1. COMMIT to doing something!
If you consider your County level Democrat committee to be a social club, where you get together with other like minded folks and complain about politics, stop reading now. Read More...
This is the wrong website for you. Actually making a difference requires ACTION and takes time, commitment and effort, and it won't be easy.
If you desire to be relevant, the side benefit of commitment and effort is enthusiasm and growth. People want to be a part of something that is changing the community for the better. The way to build, and get volunteers, is to take the lead and do something. Make people feel important and listen to them. Let loose with the power structures, be inclusive, and expect results. Build an organization focused on relevancy and success. Place emphasis on team building, and sharing the load.
2. Seize your inner Democrat.
Embrace who you are. Don’t run from it. You are now the resistance and needed more than ever before. Read More...
The Trump years will feature continuous over-reaching, with our State and Federal GOP legislators enthusiastically capitulating. You are the watchdog. Don't abandon your principles.
Lay of the Land:
In the grand scheme of things, at a high level, the biggest difference between the Democratic Party and the traditional Republican Party is that Democrats believe more in “WE” and traditional Republicans believe more in “ME”. It really is that simple, and most every difference flows from that simple concept.
Now, if we’re addressing the difference between Democrats and MAGA Republicans, the distinction is one of basic sanity and which world we actually physically reside in. In this arena, the Democrats tagline could be changed to something along the lines of “Democrats, at least we aren’t crazy”!
The Democrat message is a good message. It is a people message. It is a caring message. It is a "WE" message. Embrace it.
3. Commit to being "Middle of the Road".
To win voters in Kansas, your positions will have to be well thought out and either in the center or center right. Read More...
While there are still many moderates in Kansas, far left positions simply won't fly here. And that's OK. Our MAGA politicians are now so far to the "Kooky" end of the spectrum that simple common sense positions are a vast improvement.
When it comes to marketing, it matters how arguments are framed. In her upcoming book, Outclassed by Joan C. Williams, the author elaborates with this:
“Do you talk about climate change as: ‘There are climate deniers that deny science and in their ignorance, are taking us to a toasty future?’ Or do you talk about climate change as creating situations where farmers can no longer farm what their grandfathers farmed - how you have a situation where insurance companies are refusing to offer fire insurance to middle-class people?” Williams asked.
Again, the ways in which Democrats frame conversations matter if we want to appeal to a broader group.
Center your issues in words designed to appeal to the other side. For instance when it comes to renewable energy, couch your arguments around freedom, landowner rights, and saving the taxpayers money. Don't couch it as being "green"and saving the planet from greenhouse gasses. You have to appeal to the ideals your opponents have been indoctrinated to believe in.
Finally, remember that limited government can be a good thing. Government simply isn't equipped to solve all of societies ills. Private enterprise is the backbone of our economic system and much good can be accomplished within this framework.
4. Own the issues.
Know the issues. Have positions on the issues. Track the issues. Organize and lead on the issues. Be aware of the various other positions on the issues. Read More...
Even if Democratic candidates don't win in your area, you can still have an impact on the issues. Working the issues (through well thought out moderate positions) also positions your group as experts, who can be trusted for information. For your relevancy, and for the sake of our State, the issues are vitally important.
Let your voices be heard.
5. Show your patriotism.
Democrats are no less patriotic than Republicans. Don't run from your patriotism, run towards it. Wear your patriotism on your sleeve.
6. Embrace religion.
Many Democrats are religious. Some devoutly so. However, Democrats have watched as MAGA has wrapped itself in the bible and weaponized religion against them. And that turns off most Democrats, as well it should. Read More...
But, if you strip away the layers of hate that have been added, and get back to the fundamentals, religion can be a unifying and powerful force for good in the world. Jesus was not a Republican, and was in fact quite liberal. Realize that Democrats stand for much of what Jesus taught.
Consider inter-denominational prayers at meetings. Incorporate religious ideals into your positions. Don't run from religion due to the hatred MAGA has attached, accept it for what it truly is. Respect and embrace religion.
7. Be willing to cross the party line.
As long as you don't have a Democrat running against them in the general election, be willing to cross over and support Republicans that align with your values. Read More...
This may rub you the wrong way, but moderate non-MAGA Republicans are getting rarer by the day. Without your support they may lose in their most important race, the primary, to their more extreme opponent.
Democrats have much in common with moderate Republicans, including a desire for good governance and rational policies.
Support for a moderate Republican may consist of endorsing an issue, canvassing for or contributing to a candidate, or even registering to vote as a Republican in a primary election.
In 2022 a well liked moderate Republican candidate for County Commission lost in a primary election in Central Kansas by just 2 votes. Had the moderate candidate received help from the County Democratic party in the primary, including having several Democrats re-register as Republicans, history would have been altered, for the better. Just 2 votes made all the difference.
8. Raise a lot of money.
This one is further down numerically on this list, but is no less important. Read More...
Money is incredibly important to your organization. In Kansas you are already behind the 8 ball in most communities, simply due to your party. You are battling local right wing radio and media, national TV, existing hostile politicians, and an army of MAGA influencers who hold sway with your voters.
It will take marketing to get your message out. Marketing is expensive. Support for candidates is expensive. You should form as many revenue streams as possible and work them for all they're worth.
9. Market your brand.
The Democratic Brand in Kansas, outside of large cities, has been diminished by relentless attacks from right-wing grift media, and simplistic but effective GOP marketing. Read More...
Many Kansas Democrats, and Democratic campaigns, today shrink from the Democratic brand.
This has to change.
The extreme excesses in the upcoming years by the national GOP will flow over into our State GOP and local government. Kansas Democrats will likely never have a better chance to be the resistance to this insanity, and build their brand.
With that in mind, all Democratic Campaigns should be strongly encouraged to display the County Committee logo and tagline.
Additionally, County Democrat Committees should aggressively market themselves. A strong, recognized brand helps in recruiting volunteers, candidates, and donors. Effective marketing campaigns can also help get the message out.
You can even take control and build your own media machine.
A smart and effective marketing plan is key to taking back control of your message.
10. Candidate recruitment, development, support.
Being a Democratic candidate is a challenge. It should be a top goal for the committee to identify high quality candidates, and recruit them to run in local and State elections. Read More...
County committees should also have a support package ready to go for candidates, with resources including money, data, and volunteers, already identified.
Always be on the lookout for quality candidates. Encourage candidates. Build relationships with campaigns.
11. Youth involvement.
All political parties want younger folks to be involved with their organizations. Young people are obviously the future, and tend to bring energy and fresh perspectives to the table. Read More...
However, most recruitment efforts fall flat. Completely.
To recruit youth you must get out of your comfort zone and have something to offer them. Your organization must be active and leading. Boring meetings aren't going to cut it. Action is what younger people desire. You have to have something to offer. It could be anything from issues leadership to candidate support to internships to focus groups to committee positions.
First, recruit and designate a younger person on your team to recruit and liaison with younger folks.
Secondly, find young people willing to lead and let them run with it. You will have to share power and listen. You can find these people by actively searching them out via networking with groups such as Young Professionals, Girls and Boys Clubs, local College groups, etc. Instagram, Youtube, and to a lesser extent Facebook ads might even be an option. Get creative and get going.
And finally, and this is where the money comes in, you have to support youth with merchandise and hospitality. Free food, shirts, etc. Make it fun. Welcome younger people and make them an important part of the team. Listen to them.
12. Negative candidate marketing support.
Your statewide candidates will be targeted by dark money outside groups, hell bent on destroying their positions and reputation. These groups fight dirty, have nearly endless monetary resources, and can be very effective. Read More...
There are few outside resources for Democrats however. It simply isn't a fair fight.
Normally, local candidates don't want to run negative ads. That's where the County Democrat Committee can help. Negative ads should be factual, but it is imperative that somebody highlight the negative aspects of the opposing candidate. A budget and a strategy team ready to go could make all the difference in a race. Postcards to targeted voters are usually the most cost effective marketing, but there are other avenues as well.
For adanced committees, consider a PAC or SuperPac to advocate for candidates. SuperPacs in conjunction with non-profit organizations have an added benefit of shielding donors. There are many Republicans and Independents who would donate to Democratic issues, if they didn't have to publicly disclose their donations. Why not give them that opportunity?
13. Get out the vote.
Because Democrats have fewer numbers, get out the vote (GOTV) efforts take on a critical importance. There are enough registered Democrats to win, if you could just get those folks to vote! Strategically, build a program ahead of time and budget for it. There are many great articles, like this one, on what to do to increase voter participation. The backbone of your efforts is supposed to be your Precinct Committee People, so make sure they're part of the plan. Do your homework, make a plan, and fund GOTV efforts to help your candidates win.
14. Embrace a big tent.
The Republican party demands obedience and derisively calls anyone who deviates from their dogma a RINO. This pushes their candidates ever further to the far right, and is enforced in Republican primaries. Read More...
While Democrats support the general guidance of the Kansas Democratic Party Platform, they should also respect and embrace the differences in their candidates and voters, and shouldn't dogmatically require obedience. Diversity, equity, and inclusion of thought should apply.
Democrats should also be welcoming to moderate Republican voices alienated by the extremism in today's Republican Party. A big tent serves all.
15. Implement a groups ambassador.
Find an outgoing person within your County Party who would be willing to be a liaison and stay in contact with like-minded groups throughout the community. Read More...
Women's groups, the NAACP, environmental groups, the LGBTQ+ community, etc. are all excellent candidates for your parties attention. Relationships should either be forged, or renewed.
It isn't enough to just want votes from these groups at election time. Your County Party Committee needs these groups input, and they need to know that you take their issues seriously as well. Good old fashioned networking and listening skills are needed by the ambassador, as well as the entire Committee.
16. "It's the economy, stupid."
A famous phrase coined in the early 90s by James Carville, and as relevant now as it was then. Read More...
Historically the Democratic Party was the friend of the working class. Disregarding what our economy offers this group is a recipe for disaster. Tax relief, a livable wage, affordable education and housing, should all be pillars of your platform. How are you going to address these issues? Does your message and marketing speak to these folks?
17. Develop data analysis expertise.
Core data comes from County Elections offices as well as VoteBuilder and VAN. Ancillary databases can be incorporated as well. Read More...
However none of this matters if you don't have the expertise to slice and dice this data into meaningful, actionable tasks for your County Committee and candidates. Developing this expertise can give you an edge, reduce expenses, and win elections.
18. Avoid actions that could be misconstrued as advocating threats or violence.
This would be good advice for any political organization, even in normal times. But we are not in normal times. Read More...
Violent rhetoric and anger is at the core of the MAGA movement. However, Democrats are in the minority in Kansas and the rules will be interpreted differently for them. Republicans will not hesitate to energize law enforcement or change the rules to persecute or gaslight the minority party whenever possible. Don't give them an opening.
In general, Democrats have always been the party of hope, dreams, and possibilities. Even though this is a time for resistance, Democrats must keep hope and a better future alive.
Violence has no place in politics, on either side. Always focus on policies, actions, consequences, and elections.