Way Forward...

For County level Kansas Democrat Central Committees

The political reality for Democratic candidates in smaller communities in Kansas is challenging. At best.
Is there a better way forward?

The traditional Republican party has faltered and collapsed. In its place is MAGA, and their blind hatred for Democrats, and well, everything else too. Additionally, many of the traditional Republicans left standing hold a dim view of Democrats, instilled in them from endless hours of strategic right-wing propaganda.

Politics have become so partisan, that simply being a Democrat in most locales in Kansas is a political liability. Election after election we see voters simply voting the party line and choosing an R over a D, regardless of the candidates positions or merits. Interestingly enough, in non-partisan elections, Democrats CAN and do regularly win.

In addition, Democrats are outnumbered in every location outside of our largest cities. The numbers simply aren't there. 

Knowing this, what can County Level Democrat committees do to regain respect, attract and support high quality candidates, and have a seat at the table when it comes to local and state legislation? In other words what can the County Committees do to regain relevancy?

Knowing the obstacles, one choice could be for Democrat Central Committees to simply give up; realizing they're out-gunned, and simply call it a day.

However, Democrat's voices are needed now more than ever. Democrats ARE the resistance. The GOP is dead, and MAGA is currently staging a revolution to dismantle and destroy the United States as we know it, turning it from a "Beacon of Hope" into a "Fortress of Fear".

If Democrats won't provide an alternative rational voice to the insanity, who will?

This site attempts to offer advice and direction. It is meant to be comprehensive, but easily digested, as desired.

As it stands now, rural
Democrats are frankly, irrelevant...